Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Small Vent Session

This post might be a little of a venting session....sorry in advance.

Lately...well pretty much ever since Kadance was born, I have been feeling like a good amount of friends are really selfish...super self centered and not caring if they vocalise they think they are amazing, know everything about everything and your wrong, they are right. Is this just me or am I just finally realizing that there a lot of people that think they are God's gift?!?!?

It kinda makes me sad and wonder if there are real people out there anymore. Well I shouldn't say anymore, because I do have a small handful of friends that are down to earth and even if they think they are pretty they don't sit and say "Oh yes I know it's cuz I'm beautiful and prettier than you" (not necessarily towards me but to a total stranger) This new awareness I have....kind of bothers me. Plus I don't know what to do about it....when a friend (well someone I considered my friend) starts to act like that I get this blah feeling about them and just kind of want to write them off. But then again I feel like I can't just drop them out of the blue because there will be so many people that love to be in others business and will want to know the whole scoop. (gotta love the gossipers) So, I have just decided to not hang with them as much as I use to, hang with them in groups and talk to them in small doses. Yes I should confront them and say something, but I kinda feel like that's too much energy and I have more important things to worry about then a ''friend'' that thinks they are better than everyone. I use to want to help everyone and had time to do it.....now I just feel like it drains me and I can't concentrate on whats really important, my family. Now am I being selfish?!?!?!......hmmmm....sometimes I feel like I am. =-(

Awww this battle has got to stop and I feel/know I am the only one that is going to be able to stop it!

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